Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

General Instructions – 24M

Todd Butterfield April 19, 2022
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1. Practice the principles in this course by making trades on paper.

2. Greed and fear are two emotions which will affect you most when you begin trading with money.

3. Overtrading is a form of financial suicide.

4. Trade in equal lots of stock for ‘speculative’ purposes.

5. For investment purposes you may wish to trade in equal amounts of capital.

6. Diversify your commitments.

7. Study the market in solitude for an hour or more each day.

8. Learn the art of selling short.

9. Select those stocks which will indicate that they will move soonest, fastest, and farthest.

10. Limit your losses and let your profits run.

11. Do not straddle the market (holding a long and a short position simultaneously.)

12. Do not buy stocks simply because of their declared dividends.

13. At times, it is a good practice to pyramid your position.

14. Never average your commitments to compensate for loss.

15. Close your trades on the basis of tape or chart indications.

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