
Richard D. Wyckoff Tape Reading and Active Trading Course

Original price was: $649.99.Current price is: $499.99.

The complete Tape Reading and Active Trading Program is made up of one online volume and 10 recorded lectures.

The online volume contains 13 study sections (sometimes called assignments or lessons) and 6 chart studies.

Each study section is a short programmed unit: it contains the discussion material, a summary of the important points in that section, and a short self-grading quiz.

Our online course also includes:

  • 60 days access to our “Pulse of the Market” Charting Software ($100 value)
  • 60 days access to our private Discord channel! ($80 value)

This has been planned so that you can complete almost any unit in one evening — a few hours — of a truly enjoyable and exciting learning experience. Follow these directions for a truly effective learning of the technique for trading the intra-day 3 to 5 point moves.



Course Directions
To master the principles which are the heart of the Active Trading program, we suggest you skim the entire text completely through the first time without interruption — Table of Contents, Text, Important Points, Self-Quiz Tests, Chart Studies — to “get the feel of the material.”

Your next reading of the text should be thorough and cover all of the material — from beginning to end. Underline definitions and key sentences as you proceed. Make notes of each item you want to remember, or ask about.

This reading should include a very careful study of the charts, text and related cross references. It should also include a review of the Important Points, the Self-Quiz tests, practice on each of the principles, with actual charting projects and interpretation of the data compiled for the stocks included in the text.

In addition to the Important Points(or summary) for review of the important principles at the end of each section, we have included a Self-Quiz.

The Self-Quiz in each section is a short test you can complete in a matter of minutes. This is a check on your understanding of a given subject. They are automatically graded and you must get a score of 70% to pass.

Once you have completed the course you will also receive 60 days complimentary access to our charting software, and also 60 days to our private Discord channel where you will have access to our community as well as stock ideas from our staff.

As you proceed in your studies, whenever have a question to ask or are in need of supplies simply call or email us at

Tape Reading and Active Trading Course includes:

Tape Reading and Active Trading text
10 tape recorded lectures

The ten tape recorded lectures include:
• Philosophy
• Wyckoff Method
• Charts
• Intra-Day Charts
• Responsiveness
• Stop Orders
• Trading Positions – Markup
• Trading – Markdown
• Trading Positions – Trading Range
• Setting Up “Shop”

Table of Contents

• The Law of Supply & Demand
• Stop Orders
• The Immediate Trend
• General Rules
• Tape Reading and the Longer Swings

Judging the Immediate Trend
• The Use of the Wave Chart
• Buying and Selling Waves
• Judging Turning Points
• Tape Reading and the
• Intermediate Trend
• Selecting Market Leaders

Buying and Selling Waves
• Relationships of Waves
• The Wave Chart
• Detecting Critical Points
• Selection of Leaders
• How to Construct the Wave Chart
• Support and Pressure
• Price Trend
• Activity
• Volume
• Volume and Activity analysis
• Increases in Activity
• One-Point and Three-Point
• Figure Charts
• How to Coordinate the Wave Chart
• Selecting Market Leaders
• The Law of Supply and Demand

Trading Areas and How to Profit by Them
• Ranges of 3 to 5 Points
• Volume on Rallies and Reactions
• Boundaries of Trading Ranges
• Establishing a Position

The Tape Reading Chart
• The Tape Reading Chart
• Three Vital Factors
• Study of J. I. Case

How to Determine Buying and Selling Points

• The Wave Chart and
the Market’s Technical Position
• The Tape Reading Chart with
the Wave Chart
• Buying and Selling
• Anticipation of a Change

Judging Strength or Weakness by Half-Way Points
• Half-Way Points
• Floating Supply Reduced
• Disciplined Training

How to Keep the Percentage in One’s Favor
• Stop Orders
• Risk at ½ to 1 Point
• Commissions and Overhead
• The Law of Supply and Demand

Trading on Initial Activity
• A Stock Becomes Active
• The Tape Reading Chart
• Vertical Line Charts

Judging the Market by Tests and Responses
• The Composite Operator
• Testing Groups
• Activity and Latent Buying Power
• The Law of Supply and Demand

The Best Stocks for Active Trading
• Primary Requirements
• Secondary Requirements
• Leadership
• Volatile Issues

Stop Orders and Other Vital Points
• The Use of Stop Orders
• Judging Efficiency
• Time Limits
• Qualifications
• Trading


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