Discord for WyckoffSMI.com for stock analysis.
We are excited to announce a private DISCORD for our WyckoffSMI.com followers and subscribers. This DISCORD channel is accessible if you purchased a $40 monthly subscription to our ProTraders. With this subscription you will still get timely emails when we give our buy/sell recommendations, but you will now also have access to Mr. Butterfield and the Discord community. You will get one on one interaction as well as updates from our proprietary software. We look forward to growing this community, as we have our Cryptocurrency Discord, where we currently have 670 members.
So if you wish access, and have a current ProTraders subscription, email us at support@wyckoffsmi.com and ask for the Discord invite link. Once you receive, click on link, and then you will be a part of this exciting Wyckoff SMI online community.
Thank you!